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National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) Case Study

  • nth Rewards, a comprehensive offers & loyalty platform enabling several banks to incentivize customers as well as employees
  • Engaging and retaining customers with a cloud-based & user-friendly single loyalty platform exclusively built for NPCI
  • Building an ecosystem to manage & track more than 600 million card holders with an enhanced loyalty experience

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Topics covered in NPCI Case Study

  • Brief about NPCI & its requirements for Loyalty Program that can manage 600mn+ customers
  • Solutions provided by Novus Loyalty for enhanced banking experience & loyalty upgrade
  • Tools and Technologies to help the banking industry create stronger bonds with their customers
  • Commendable Impact & Results achieved after weeks of implementation of the loyalty program
  • How Novus Loyalty helped NPCI with real-time reporting & analytics for actionable insights.
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